Invest in Children Global (IiCG) has many ways to help support the children we work with. Whether you choose to donate supplies, volunteer your time or offer financial support, any and all methods are welcome and appreciated.
We can't do what we do without the support of people like you who want to make a difference in the lives of at-risk children around the world. I​nvest in Children Global relies on the generous giving of people around the world to make our camps and workshops successful. Since our programs are constantly running, we have many of the same needs over and over again.
These needs are twofold: financial donations and camp supplies. Some of these supplies include: multi-colored sharpie pens, 5x7 horizontal blank books, finger-paints, acrylic paints, side-walk chalk, kids scissors, glue sticks, soccer balls, drumsticks and hand-held percussion instruments.
We appreciate all you do to help us reach out to at-risk and traumatized youth around the world!
